Corn Hole, Ladder Toss

Yard Games

Yard Games

These yard games offer a variety of options for outdoor entertainment, promoting social interaction and friendly competition among players.

Cornhole (Bean Bag Toss): Players take turns throwing bags filled with corn kernels or beans towards a raised platform with a hole, aiming to score points by getting the bags through the hole or on the platform.

Bocce Ball: A traditional Italian game where players take turns throwing bocce balls towards a smaller target ball (pallino), attempting to have their balls closest to the pallino by the end of the game.

Ladder Toss (Ladder Golf): Players throw bolas (two balls connected by a string) towards a ladder structure with three horizontal rungs, aiming to score points based on where the bolas land.

Horseshoes: Participants throw horseshoes towards a stake in the ground, aiming to encircle the stake or land the horseshoe close to it to score points.

KanJam: A team-based game where players try to throw a frisbee through a slot in a large can, either directly or with the help of their teammate redirecting the frisbee.

Spikeball: A fast-paced, volleyball-inspired game where teams of two serve and hit a small ball with their hands, aiming to bounce it off a small trampoline-like net in a way that the opposing team cannot return it.

Croquet: A strategic game where players use mallets to hit wooden balls through a series of hoops embedded in a grass playing area, attempting to be the first to complete the course.

Giant Jenga: A larger-than-life version of the classic Jenga game, where players take turns removing wooden blocks from a tower and placing them on top without causing the tower to collapse.

Badminton: A racquet sport played with a shuttlecock, where players or teams volley the shuttlecock over a net, aiming to score points when the shuttlecock lands in the opponent's court.

Ring Toss: Players toss rings toward a target, typically aiming to land the rings on pegs of varying point values to score.