We provide Professional stage lighting for concerts, conferences, & conventions
Wash - These are your bread-and-butter lighting fixtures that will generally light up the whole stage. They can be standard white or colored depending on the aesthetic of the event/song.
Moving spots - Programmable spotlights that can be hung or floor-mounted. These lights are what add accents and direct attention to certain areas of the stage.
Moving Gobos - Programmable lights that can project unique designs, colors, logos, lettering, etc. These lights can make unique effects and really spice up the room/stage.
Custom Gobos - Give us your company logo or event graphic and we’ll project it onto the stage with a customized gobo spotlight.
Astera Tube lights - Unique tube lights that can be placed around or hung on the stage to create bright designs. These tubes are also customizable and can even be programmed to your specific music.
Light Structures - We have unique light archways, towers, and other structures that really make your stage pop.
See examples of our different lighting types: